Earn a Little Extra
Bellow are a few sites I have tried and tested and they do send emails and pay you to read them! Don't forget to keep coming back to see if more have been added!

Join HTMail's opt-in list

HTMail one of the Best Paid to Read Emails Going!!
HTMail's opt-in email list. YOU!! will be sent email ads for products and services that you may likely be interested in, you get the chance to comment on the advertised web sites that you visit, and you get PAID for reading the ads and visiting the web sites! If you refer a friend to there site and they sign up then you can get a percentage of there email earnings, and if they refer a friend you get some of there earnings as well. Sign up today and cheque it out! (Sorry about the PUN)


Email that REALLY Pays YOU!!!
E-Mail Pays U! They pay you for simply reading email! To make it even better they will give you $10 just to join up. WOW how easy is that? E-Mail Pays U will even pay you when your friends or other people read e-mail! I know you'd like to earn some easy extra cash! It doesn't get any easier than this. Signing up today for FREE and earn a quick $10!!